ko͞oˈto͝orēər, noun: couturier; plural noun: couturiers a fashion designer who manufactures and sells clothes that have been tailored to a client's specific requirements and measurements.

Faux Shawl Collar and Only a handful left

 Only two more beauties of this style and this fabric medium and large

 Most popular style of the season Faux Shawl Collar Dress - pick a fabric and it's all yours!
Only a small left in this scoop neck

Floral Skirts! with Pockets Baby

Super Comfortable Cotton skirts with some stretch… and pockets!

Two Different Body Shapes

We are all shaped differently and trying to fit your shape could often be tricky. When you shop for your shape rather than just your size, you will be amazed by the look you can achieve. Also, minor alterations can work wonders and I am all to happy to help you with that.

This short blog explains two shapes and gives examples of both. 
The pictures include the same tartan navy and black fabric but different style dresses that better show off each shape. 
At the end of this post is a link to further get to know 6 common body shapes, how to best dress each shape and some other fun tid bits.

Shoulders and hips and waist are relatively equal. Athletic Figure
-The Aim: create the illusion of a waist and curves
-look for dresses and blouses that have a nipped in waist or ones you could belt
-feminine touches are a good thing and a belt is your friend!

Your shoulders and hips are equal widths with a very defined waist. 
-The Aim: to proportionally dress the top and bottom half to make your was it the focal point
- stick to silhouettes that skim your body rather than camouflaging your curves
- skinny belts are key to accentuating your waist

Shopgirls has a great online catalogue of shapes and explanations
For more go here >> Shop Your Shape  and I thank them for letting me use their descriptions for this mini blog.

Remember to Shop Local! Shop Canadian Made!!